Population ratio over 15 years 100%
67,060,744 People
26,309,332 Households
51% Female, 49% Male
Median Age: 40
Average Household Income: 45,561 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Med
Population ratio over 15 years 3.4%
2,280,065 People
894,517 Households
57% Female, 43% Male
Median Age: 32
Average Household Income: 59,299 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Med
Working Status: White-collar worker, Freelancer, Student
60 percent have digital platform subscriptions. They prefer Kahve Dünyası and Espresso Lab more than the general public. 87 percent have shopped online in the last 3 months. 18 percent always write comments about the products they buy online.
Population ratio over 15 years 5.6%
3,755,402 People
1,473,323 Households
46% Female, 54% Male
Median Age: 32
Average Household Income: 58,300 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker, Worker, Student
76 percent use Instagram. Their favorite appliance brand is Arçelik. They also favor Samsung at a higher rate than the average.
Population ratio over 15 years 5.6%
3,755,402 People
1,473,323 Households
42% Female, 58% Male
Median Age: 46
Average Household Income: 46,878 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Med
Working Status: Retired, Private sector employee
Compared to Turkey in general, they are more likely to get news on TV, and they watch almost every news channel more than the average.
Population ratio over 15 years 2.7%
1,810,640 People
710,352 Households
40% Female, 60% Male
Median Age: 25
Average Household Income: 76,981 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker, Student
They own robot vacuum cleaners, airfryers and smart home systems at a higher rate than the average in Turkey. Their e-cigarette smoking rate is 6 percent, twice the rate in Turkey.
Population ratio over 15 years 3.3%
2,213,005 People
877,755 Households
51% Female, 49% Male
Median Age: 42
Average Household Income: 74,308 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Med
Working Status: White-collar worker, Student
70 percent define themselves as modern. 60 percent do sports at least once a week. The rate of those who are vegan, vegetarian or have a different diet is 6.5 percent.
Population ratio over 15 years 4.3%
2,883,612 People
1,131,301 Households
74% Female, 26% Male
Median Age: 25
Average Household Income: 54,466 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker, Freelancer, Student
They mostly buy cosmetics, clothes and accessories on influencer recommendation.
Population ratio over 15 years 6.5%
4,358,948 People
1,710,107 Households
63% Female, 37% Male
Median Age: 30
Average Household Income: 54,762 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Worker, Student
They shop for cosmetics and clothes based on influencer recommendations, and are intense users of Instagram and Pinterest.
Population ratio over 15 years 1%
670,607 People
263,093 Households
53% Female, 47% Male
Median Age: 29
Average Household Income: 69,230 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Private sector employee, Freelancer, Student
90 percent use Instagram and 37 percent use Tiktok.
Population ratio over 15 years 7.7%
5,163,677 People
2,025,819 Households
27% Female, 73% Male
Median Age: 45
Average Household Income: 44,658 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Med
Working Status: Retired, Freelance worker, Employee, Small artisan/craftsman/driver etc.
Thirty percent read books, and 10 percent are interested in photography. Half of them cannot imagine their daily life without the internet.
Population ratio over 15 years 12.03%
8,064,336 People
3,163,808 Households
82% Female, 18% Male
Median Age: 28
Average Household Income: 57,950 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: Private sector employee, Freelancer, Student
Eighty percent state that they try to avoid environmentally hazardous products and services, and 63 percent think that it is worth paying extra for organic food.
Population ratio over 15 years 5.8%
3,889,523 People
1,525,941 Households
0% Female, 100% Male
Median Age: 27
Average Household Income: 64,003 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker, Student
A quarter of them have gym memberships, and 61 percent consider it normal for people to have plastic surgery.
Population ratio over 15 years 7%
4,694,252 People
1,841,653 Households
62% Female, 38% Male
Median Age: 37
Average Household Income: 54,281 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Med
Working Status: White-collar worker, Housewife
Their rate of eating out is much higher than the general population, with 44 percent frequenting restaurants and cafes as a family activity.
Population ratio over 15 years 2.6%
1,743,579 People
684,043 Households
32% Female, 68% Male
Median Age: 36
Average Household Income: 71,913 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker
Seventy-one percent say that they work not only for money but also for career-building.
Population ratio over 15 years 6.3%
4,224,827 People
1,657,488 Households
44% Female, 56% Male
Median Age: 37
Average Household Income: 92,868 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker
Thirty-seven percent have children under age 18 in their households. Two-thirds fear that they or their children will not be able to receive an education.
Population ratio over 15 years 1.6%
1,072,972 People
420,949 Households
35% Female, 65% Male
Median Age: 35
Average Household Income: 46,494 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Doctor, architect, lawyer etc. (Self-employed), Private sector employee, Freelance worker
A third of them also work on weekends. If they had a superpower, they would choose invisibility first, followed by mind-reading.
Population ratio over 15 years 2.9%
1,944,762 People
762,971 Households
39% Female, 61% Male
Median Age: 28
Average Household Income: 64,789 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: Private sector employee, Freelancer
Eight percent say they are "very unhappy" when evaluating their own happiness.
Population ratio over 15 years 6.5%
4,358,948 People
1,710,107 Households
100% Female, 0% Male
Median Age: 38
Average Household Income: 53,132 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Med
Working Status: Private sector employee, Worker
They are happier than the society in general. 15 percent own a business, 55 percent work full-time and 10 percent work as day laborers.
Population ratio over 15 years 1.9%
1,274,154 People
499,877 Households
54% Female, 46% Male
Median Age: 42
Average Household Income: 26,332 TRY
Education Level: Low
Piety: High
Working Status: Housewife, Worker
Twenty-two percent live by borrowing money from relatives and 13 percent from other people. 29 percent receive government assistance.
Population ratio over 15 years 4%
2,682,430 People
1,052,373 Households
69% Female, 31% Male
Median Age: 23
Average Household Income: 43,138 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Med
Working Status: Unemployed, looking for work
Thirty-six percent are in debt.
Population ratio over 15 years 8.9%
5,968,406 People
2,341,531 Households
This segment consists of married couples with children in the household. They have incomes above Turkey's average while all other characteristics are similar to the national average.
55% Female, 45% Male
Median Age: 39
Average Household Income: 61,666 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Med
Working Status: White-collar worker, Worker
Seventy-five percent visit shopping malls at least once a month.
Population ratio over 15 years 2.2%
1,475,336 People
578,805 Households
54% Female, 46% Male
Median Age: 35
Average Household Income: 65,097 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Med
Working Status: Private sector employee, Worker
A quarter of them frequently shop online for groceries.
Population ratio over 15 years 1.73%
1,158,292 People
454,422 Households
This segment has all graduated from university. They are more educated and younger than the average in Turkey.
100% Female, 0% Male
Median Age: 34
Average Household Income: 42,579 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Med
Working Status: Housewife, Housewife
Fourty-three percent drive the car owned by the household, are more active on weekends, and see friends and family more frequently.
Population ratio over 15 years 11.46%
7,681,881 People
3,013,762 Households
Both parents of this segment are at least high school graduates, and both generations have an education level above Turkey's average.
51% Female, 49% Male
Median Age: 25
Average Household Income: 67,523 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: Private sector employee, Student, Student
Forty-eight percent have a university degree or higher.
Population ratio over 15 years 1.2%
804,729 People
315,712 Households
28% Female, 72% Male
Median Age: 47
Average Household Income: 60,428 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Med
Working Status: Retired
A quarter have rural upbringing and now live in metropolitan areas.
Population ratio over 15 years 5.5%
3,688,341 People
1,447,013 Households
58% Female, 42% Male
Median Age: 33
Average Household Income: 66,513 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: Private sector employee, Student
Fifteen percent take short vacations on weekends, and 43 percent have a tumble dryer at home.
Population ratio over 15 years 2.6%
1,743,579 People
684,043 Households
39% Female, 61% Male
Median Age: 24
Average Household Income: 68,912 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: Private sector employee, Freelancer
Eighty percent say they work for building a career, not just for money, and 67 percent would like to move abroad if an opportunity arises.
Population ratio over 15 years 2.9%
1,944,762 People
762,971 Households
31% Female, 69% Male
Median Age: 26
Average Household Income: 58,821 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker, Freelancer, Worker
They have household appliance, furniture and car payments.
Population ratio over 15 years 4%
2,682,430 People
1,052,373 Households
36% Female, 64% Male
Median Age: 21
Average Household Income: 54,171 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Med
Working Status: Worker, Student
Thirty-seven percent do not shop in stores that sell alcohol due to their religious beliefs.
Population ratio over 15 years 7%
4,694,252 People
1,841,653 Households
51% Female, 49% Male
Median Age: 19
Average Household Income: 47,812 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Student
Twenty percent identify themselves on the left and 16 percent on the right of the political spectrum.
Population ratio over 15 years 2%
1,344,056 People
527,301 Households
52% Female, 48% Male
Median Age: 19
Average Household Income: 54,520 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Student
Twenty percent play a musical instrument, and 15 percent attend hobby courses.
Population ratio over 15 years 9.6%
2,525,696 Households
83% Female, 17% Male
Median Age: 44
Average Household Income: 47,627 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Retired, White-collar worker
In 67 percent of these households, at least one person works, and 19 percent are widowed or divorced women.
Population ratio over 15 years 5.4%
1,420,704 Households
52% Female, 48% Male
Median Age: 40
Average Household Income: 46,149 TRY
Education Level: Low
Piety: High
Working Status: Housewife, Small artisan/craftsman/driver etc.
One third often go on family picnics. 42 percent eat on the floor.
Population ratio over 15 years 27.4%
18,374,644 People
7,208,757 Households
They do not own the home they live in, nor do they own an apartment or a summer house.
55% Female, 45% Male
Median Age: 36
Average Household Income: 38,648 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Med
Working Status: Housewife, Worker, Housewife
Nine percent live with extended families of three generations or more.
Population ratio over 15 years 1.2%
804,729 People
315,712 Households
In the age group of 65 and above, the incomes of Youthful Seniors is higher than the average even though the majority of them are retired. They are involved in life. They spend their weekends doing various activities.
34% Female, 66% Male
Median Age: 68
Average Household Income: 70,247 TRY
Education Level: Low
Piety: Med
Working Status: Retired
Twenty percent have participated in a cultural or artistic activity other than movies in the last 6 months. Seventy-four percent uses social media.
Population ratio over 15 years 1.4%
1,005,911 People
394,640 Households
They only drink raki. Two thirds of this segment are male, with an average age of 50 and a median age of 52.
34% Female, 66% Male
Median Age: 52
Average Household Income: 53,633 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Retired, Worker
For 73 percent, the first drink they ever had is also raki.
Population ratio over 15 years 17.4%
11,668,569 People
4,577,824 Households
42% Female, 58% Male
Median Age: 31
Average Household Income: 55,472 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Private sector employee, Worker, Student
Thirty-five percent use Sahibinden.com for second-hand shopping.
Population ratio over 15 years 7.8%
5,230,738 People
2,052,128 Households
Tolerant people confirm that their child may have different sexual orientations and that they can be friends with a homosexual person.
63% Female, 37% Male
Median Age: 27
Average Household Income: 58,522 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: Civil servant, manager, etc. in the private sector, Student, Student
70 percent are not at all satisfied with the functioning of democracy in Türkiye.
Population ratio over 15 years 33.6%
22,532,410 People
8,839,936 Households
62% Female, 38% Male
Median Age: 45
Average Household Income: 40,898 TRY
Education Level: Low
Piety: Med
Working Status: Retired, Housewife
Nine percent own a summer house.
Population ratio over 15 years 11.6%
7,779,046 People
3,051,883 Households
40% Female, 60% Male
Median Age: 28
Average Household Income: 53,295 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Worker, Student, Small tradesman/craftsman/driver etc.
Twenty percent bought and sold cryptocurrencies.
Population ratio over 15 years 7.1%
4,761,313 People
1,867,963 Households
54% Female, 46% Male
Median Age: 27
Average Household Income: 60,280 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: Private sector employee, Student
Seventy percent use Spotify and 11 percent use Apple Music.
Population ratio over 15 years 8%
5,364,860 People
2,104,747 Households
36% Female, 64% Male
Median Age: 33
Average Household Income: 54,684 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Worker, Small artisan/craftsman/driver etc.
Thirteen percent frequently go to bars and taverns
Population ratio over 15 years 17%
11,400,326 People
4,472,586 Households
28% Female, 72% Male
Median Age: 40
Average Household Income: 67,316 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Med
Working Status: Retired, White-collar worker, Small artisan/craftsman/driver etc.
A quarter think that women are not good drivers.
Population ratio over 15 years 6%
4,023,645 People
1,578,560 Households
55% Female, 45% Male
Median Age: 42
Average Household Income: 54,619 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Retired, White-collar worker
The rate of those who believe that one can cure oneself with natural remedies is 55 percent.
Population ratio over 15 years 1.4%
938,850 People
368,331 Households
40% Female, 60% Male
Median Age: 39
Average Household Income: 46,775 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Housewife, Small shopkeeper/craftsman/driver etc.
Thirty-five percent say they do nothing on weekends, and stay at home.
Population ratio over 15 years 4.6%
3,084,794 People
1,210,229 Households
44% Female, 56% Male
Median Age: 37
Average Household Income: 89,810 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker, Student
Sixty percent want to move abroad if an opportunity arises.
Population ratio over 15 years 3.2%
2,145,944 People
841,899 Households
55% Female, 45% Male
Median Age: 22
Average Household Income: 52,251 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Student
Ninety-five percent fear limits on their freedom.
Population ratio over 15 years 1.4%
938,850 People
368,331 Households
37% Female, 63% Male
Median Age: 53
Average Household Income: 37,351 TRY
Education Level: Low
Piety: High
Working Status: Retired, Housewife, Small artisan/craftsman/driver etc.
Twenty-two percent think that rules can be deviated from occasionally.
Population ratio over 15 years 12.2%
8,181,411 People
3,209,739 Households
54% Female, 46% Male
Median Age: 26
Average Household Income: 66,590 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker, Freelancer, Student
Forty-eight percent drink alcohol.
Population ratio over 15 years 8.2%
5,498,981 People
2,157,365 Households
55% Female, 45% Male
Median Age: 31
Average Household Income: 66,278 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker, Freelancer, Student
Thirty percent do not watch TV series, while 20 percent prefer foreign ones.
Population ratio over 15 years 5.8%
3,889,523 People
1,525,941 Households
44% Female, 56% Male
Median Age: 44
Average Household Income: 38,315 TRY
Education Level: Low
Piety: Med
Working Status: Retired, Small artisan / craftsman / driver etc.
Half of them think that people care too much about the environment.
Population ratio over 15 years 6.8%
4,560,131 People
1,789,035 Households
71% Female, 29% Male
Median Age: 35
Average Household Income: 51,823 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Freelance worker
Eighteen percent buy stationery and hobby materials online. 36 percent have a rechargeable drill/tool bag at home.
Population ratio over 15 years 2.6%
1,743,579 People
684,043 Households
61% Female, 39% Male
Median Age: 63
Average Household Income: 20,352 TRY
Education Level: Low
Piety: High
Working Status: Retired, Housewife
Fourteen percent live in slums, 40 percent in detached traditional houses and 46 percent in apartments.
Population ratio over 15 years 7.1%
4,761,313 People
1,867,963 Households
60% Female, 40% Male
Median Age: 28
Average Household Income: 65,229 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker, Student
Eight percent own e-book readers.
Population ratio over 15 years 6%
4,021,241 People
1,577,617 Households
45% Female, 55% Male
Median Age: 38
Average Household Income: 68,156 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker
The rate of going abroad or to the seaside during long vacations is also higher than Turkey’s average.
Population ratio over 15 years 2.6%
1,743,579 People
684,043 Households
36% Female, 64% Male
Median Age: 51
Average Household Income: 77,962 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker, Freelance worker
They are happier than the average, as 44 percent say so. 55 percent often buy something they do not need as a self-indulgent practice.
Population ratio over 15 years 2.3%
1,542,397 People
605,115 Households
57% Female, 43% Male
Median Age: 28
Average Household Income: 79,104 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker, Freelancer, Student
They are also very likely to eat out, with 65 percent of them frequently going to restaurants and cafes with friends.
Population ratio over 15 years 4.4%
1,157,611 Households
40% Female, 60% Male
Median Age: 34
Average Household Income: 78,494 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: White-collar worker
Ninety-three percent of these households use online banking.
Population ratio over 15 years 2.8%
1,877,701 People
736,661 Households
40% Female, 60% Male
Median Age: 24
Average Household Income: 78,655 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: Private sector employee, Student
On average, they have 3 different digital platform subscriptions.
Population ratio over 15 years 4.1%
2,749,491 People
1,078,683 Households
40% Female, 60% Male
Median Age: 30
Average Household Income: 57,142 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Freelancer, Student
Seventy-seven percent think it is worth paying extra for quality products.
Population ratio over 15 years 14.6%
9,790,869 People
3,841,162 Households
57% Female, 43% Male
Median Age: 57
Average Household Income: 30,495 TRY
Education Level: Low
Piety: High
Working Status: Retired, Housewife
Eighty-five percent do not order groceries online. In 23 percent of these households, men frequent traditional coffee houses.
Population ratio over 15 years 4.5%
3,017,733 People
1,183,920 Households
12% Female, 88% Male
Median Age: 23
Average Household Income: 79,010 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: Freelancer, Student
Ninety-four percent order food online.
Population ratio over 15 years 10.8%
7,242,560 People
2,841,408 Households
25% Female, 75% Male
Median Age: 30
Average Household Income: 68,039 TRY
Education Level: High
Piety: Low
Working Status: Private sector employee, Student
Forty percent invest in altcoins.
Population ratio over 15 years 8.3%
5,566,042 People
2,183,675 Households
43% Female, 57% Male
Median Age: 44
Average Household Income: 55,355 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Low
Working Status: Retired, White-collar worker, Small artisan/craftsman/driver etc.
Eighteen percent prefer religious associations or foundations for charity.
Population ratio over 15 years 9.5%
6,370,771 People
2,499,387 Households
39% Female, 61% Male
Median Age: 46
Average Household Income: 49,573 TRY
Education Level: Med
Piety: Med
Working Status: Retired, Worker, Small artisan/craftsman/driver etc.
Thirty-two percent are Ak Parti voters and 28 percent are CHP voters.
Türkiye has witnessed an expansion across all fields and markets that has boosted competition. Both those who want to grow and those who strive to exist are faced with the requirement to create new targets every day. This necessitates new customer focuses, especially for brands.
At the end of the day, every person is unique and wants to be appealed to. On the other hand, digital footprints have grown to such an extent that it is now possible to understand a person from their footprints and provide whatever they want. Artificial intelligence has also come to the fore in recent years to blaze a trail for us amidst these footprints. Thus, TARGETING has now become an essential element.
In order to identify your targets well, you need to see them all at once and differentiate between them. If you shoot in all directions, you will waste a lot of ammunition without knowing what you are hitting. This is not a good idea at present.
Lifestyles Sub-Segments shows the seemingly small but crucial target groups within the transitory organism we call society.
Thanks to its large scale, our tool can reveal time-dimensional insights with truly representative data collected by contacting all target groups.
Segments are brought together by assigning certain characteristics, and no matter how small they are they correspond to large crowds in terms of Turkey’s population size.
Some have high impact, some imply high gains, and some hold high potential.
The Lifestyles Sub-Segments you will see on this page will set targets for everyone.
You can use it to access and familiarize with the individual and/or household demographics of the sub-segments you are interested in.
You can build a data-driven marketing, communication or sales strategy, or check your current strategy.
You can categorize your existing or potential customers.
You can create secondary or even tertiary target audiences based on the transitions between segments or clusters.
You can obtain meaningful analyses by matching your organization’s or brand’s data with Lifestyles data.
You can access content under sub-headings in the Lifestyles database that involve hundreds of brand preferences and use, platform memberships, financial instrument use and preferences, and social media use.
You can access sociological analysis and comments on political and social variables included in the survey.
Or we can get together to discuss solutions specific to your needs.
KONDA Lifestyles is a large-scale survey series that has been snapping a multi-dimensional and high-resolution photo of the society in Türkiye since 2008. The October 2024 issue marks the fifth version of the 16-year-long series.
Within the scope of these surveys, each subject is interviewed face-to-face in their homes to ask over 200 questions.
We have been using the same clustering model for 16 years to obtain the most comprehensive description of social change.
The main purpose and starting point of this survey is to create the target audience clusters that decision-makers need by going beyond socio-economic status and focusing on values, practices, fears and expectations. Since 2008, KONDA Lifestyles Clusters has been measuring change by using the same formula and assessing the present by employing new variables that touch the zeitgeist.
We have acted as a strategic partner for countless number of corporations since 2008.
So far, KONDA Lifestyles Survey data has been used to create reports and content for Türkiye's major brands and corporations. KONDA Lifestyles, which has played a key role in the growth strategies of many corporations, now includes new modules such as relationship with technology, artificial intelligence and sustainability.
The temporal journey of the 9 Lifestyle clusters, which for 16 years has been a guide for many corporations to understand the individual and the society, tells us a lot;